Charles Manson is dead. Finally.

November 19, 2017

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

It’s just a shame my tax dollars had to pay for the free room and board for this waste of oxygen. He should have suffered every day of his miserable life instead of living in virtual luxury, not to mention free healthcare.

Fuck him.

May he rot in hell.

Too bad the law does allow for his body to be dumped in the desert and feasted on by vermin until it’s nothing but bones, bleaching in the sun.

Eat right, exercise hard, die anyway

August 19, 2010

My cousin passed away this morning. He was 63. He wasn’t much older than me.

He was a farmer. He ran an organic farm, raised his own animals and ate healthy. He ate healthier food than I have access to. As a farmer he was also in much better shape. Taking care of the animals and the fields is physically demanding and for a man his age, he was in great shape.

He died of brain cancer.

He didn’t smoke, didn’t drink, didn’t do drugs.

But he couldn’t support the farm entirely on it’s own. So…he supplemented the family income doing hazardous waste cleanup for the county.

My 80 year old parents are once again making the trip back home to attend the funeral of another family member. Only this time it is not a parent or a sibling….it is a nephew. Someone the age of their own children.

My cousin passed away this morning after fighting brain cancer for over a year and being in a coma for the past few months.

He should have lived to be 100. (We are long lived in our family tree.)