Desperately seeking this bear.

February 1, 2016

I’ve got the Steiff 36cm Winnie (sits 14 inches tall), the ornament and even the black bear on wheels.

I had no idea that Danbury Mint released a 45 cm Steiff “A Bear Named Winnie” in 2014. Sits 18 inches tall and sold for $495. Limited to 1,914 worldwide.

Had I known I would have bought one.



Never mind. I just did!

Found one on eBay for a lot less than the original price. Still paid too much but I don’t care. I’ve got my bear! It will be coming all the way from the U.K. but I am thrilled to have finally obtained my dream bear. Have the DVD, several books and now my BIG bear. Can’t wait to give him a hug.



Best live cam ever.

July 25, 2012

Okay, next to the Shiba Inu puppies.

Bears fishing for salmon in Alaska.

A real mother bear.

January 23, 2010

Congratulations to Lily the bear on the birth of her cub.

Follow the link and you can watch the bear cam and donate to help study Lily.