Time to take down the NRA

December 15, 2012

The West Wing: Five Votes Down.

The NRA has blocked any attempt to curtail the proliferation of guns in this country. Time after time they have blocked or rendered ineffective any legislation attempting to control guns. 

Time to take them down. Their hold over our government needs to be broken. 

Nancy Lanza owned five guns, at least two of which were semi-automatic hand guns. No one needs a semi-automatic hand gun. No one needs a hand gun. You do not hunt for subsistence with a hand gun. 

She was shot with her own gun. So obviously owning guns doesn’t protect you at all. So if the NRA spews it’s same crapload that all of this could have been prevented if the teachers and staff at this elementary school were all armed, that is a load of bullshit. I doubt a kindergarten class is safer with a loaded firearm in the class. 

Gun control doesn’t do much either. Adam Lanza had mental problems. But he didn’t need to pass any sort of screening to get a gun license. He simply shot his mother and took her guns. That’s what happens. Guns are obtained from relatives, friends or simply stolen. 

This country needs to grow up. This isn’t the wild west any more. There is absolutely no need for assault rifles or semi-automatic anything to be sold in this country. There is certainly no need for handguns. 

2nd amendment? It says A WELL REGULATED MILITIA. That’s the state National Guard. That’s the local Police. That is not a few redneck good ol’ boys driving around with a gun rack in their Ram pickup. 

Hunters are supposed to be able to take their game with one shot. So…they shouldn’t need more than one bullet, right? For every tag you buy, you get to buy one bullet.

Well, if we can’t restrict guns, we can certainly restrict ammo. Limit the quantity of the sale. Ammo cannot be sold online or through the mail. It cannot be purchased with a gun or from any place that sells guns. Limit the sale of ammo. If you are going to a range, you buy your ammo there and use it all. Any that is not used is returned. Guns are inspected to make sure they are empty. And you have to go through a metal detector and rigorous screening to leave. Something much more aggressive than the airports. 

That’s a start. 

Dismantling the power and influence of the NRA is another. They are an UN-American organization. They are a domestic terrorist organization. 

ALEC is next.

There are more places to buy guns in the U.S. than there are Starbucks in the entire world. There is NO need for that. 

You don’t need a semi-automatic handgun to hunt deer. 

That’s a start. 

Then we need to do something about mental health in this nation. You can lay the blame at Reagan’s door. Being the tightwad Republican he was, he solved the problem of the cost of taking care of the mentally ill by simply closing government institutions and putting them all on the street. Yep, those homeless street people no one wants to “see”? Many have mental problems. This country has done NOTHING since, because it costs money. And those in charge of the money are too tight fisted to address the problem. Instead, they just hide in their gated communities. 

This country is totally fucked up when the right wing can defend guns while parents are preparing to bury 20 kindergarteners.

I don’t know about you but I don’t allow crazy people to make my decisions for me. And anyone that thinks our gun laws are just fine and ignores Sandy Hook and thinks the solution is MORE guns is freakin’ crazy. 

Democracy for sale? More like SOLD!

May 19, 2011

Since it’s inception in 1973 and extreme right wing group called ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council has been influencing our government and laws more than any lobbyist or money can buy.

They’re responsible for Arizona’s SB1070 driven by both racist and monetary goals. Hey, two birds, right? This is what you get when you privatize prisons. I suppose it’s not surprise the KOCH brothers are heavily involved in this too.

Almost 25% of the laws enacted by Arizona were written by ALEC and were passed almost word for word. Because we’re electing representatives to STUPID or too LAZY to write their own and they are greedy enough to put money before the people of this country. Republicans have been funneling money to the for profit private sector for years. Hmmm. 1973?

So when you see collective bargaining gone, environmental regulations gone, minimum wage gone, child labor laws gone, public education gone, you’ll know who is behind it.

“The centerpiece of Task Force projects is ALEC model legislation. ALEC is the only state legislative organization that adopts policies and creates model legislation for its members to use in their states. To date, ALEC has nearly 1,000 pieces of model legislation.”

Go to ALEC and read some of their propaganda and you’ll understand why so many states are echoing each other. It’s all ALEC legislation designed to deregulate, privatize and then profitize EVERYTHING and all at the expense of the American taxpayer. That is, if you can find any page that isn’t restricted. For all of their talk about transparency, ALEC hides everything they’re doing. Until it’s been passed by YOUR state legislation and you’re screwed. These people are busy redrawing district lines right now. Don’t be surprised if they’ve rigged they system for a permanent Republican majority in every state plus both houses of Congress. Because make no mistake, it’s the Republicans that are owned by ALEC.

Who are our (Republican right wing) legislators getting cozy with? Or I should say who owns them and pulls their strings?

Private Enterprise Board Chairman

Mr. W. Preston Baldwin, Centerpoint360 (2011 Chairman)

Private Enterprise Board Members (as of December 1, 2010)

Ms. Sano Blocker, Energy Future Holdings
Mr. Don Bohn, Johnson & Johnson
Mr. Jeff Bond, PhRMA
Mr. Bill Carmichael, American Bail Coalition
Mr. Derek Crawford, Kraft Foods, Inc.
Mr. John Del Giorno, GlaxoSmithKline
Mr. Matt Echols, Coca-Cola Company
Mr. Jim Epperson, Jr., AT&T Services, Inc.
Mr. Michael Hubert, Pfizer Inc
Ms. Teresa Jennings, Reed Elsevier, Inc.
Mr. Ken Lane, DIAGEO
Mr. Kelly Mader, Peabody Energy
Mr. Bernie McKay, Intuit, Inc.
Mr. Mike Morgan, Koch Industries, Inc.
Mr. Kevin Murphy, ExxonMobil Corp.
Mrs. Sandra Oliver, Bayer Corporation
Mr. David Powers, Reynolds American Inc.
Ms. Maggie Sans, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Mr. Russell Smoldon, Salt River Project
Mr. Toby Spangler, Altria Client Services, Inc.
Mr. Roland Spies, State Farm Insurance Co.
Mr. Pat Thomas, United Parcel Service
Mr. Jerry Watson, Chairman Emeritus

1973. Nixon. Ever wondered where the term “Moral Majority” came from? ALEC. Weyrich, Totten (friends with Reagan), Lukens, (Bribery, Conspiracy, sex with a 16 year old) , Jenkins (Iran Contra). The typical revisionist history has removed these names from the origins of ALEC. Moral Majority indeed. Who can we really thank for this obscene attack on democracy? Why, Ronald Reagan of course. ALEC goes fascist, or is corporatized in the 90s. Pay to play. Scientology contributes. Just in time for Karl Rove and Bush II.

And we were angry about K St. K St. has nothing on these Fascists.

Just wait until info on THE FAMILY goes viral.


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