Time for a walk

April 22, 2023

It’s that time of year and team Wonder Puppies will be hitting the pavement walking for the San Diego Human Society. 

Please consider joining us this year, virtually, from wherever you are. You can walk anything with fur, feathers, scales or skin or a plushie if that’s all you’ve got. Or carry a photo of a beloved. You can do it any day, any time from any where. We don’t care. Our team will not be walking the way too early morning of May 6 at Liberty Station in San Diego, CA. We’ll be walking the week previous and probably the week after too. Because our team is only together Monday through Friday. But that is the beauty of virtual. Choose your time, space and companion. But do consider donating to the San Diego Humane Society. They are a wonderful organization that not only helps domestic animals and their biped companions but also the natural creatures of our environment that need an occasional helping hand. 

You can join our team here:


And you can follow links to learn more about the San Diego Humane Society and the work they do.

The Ceiling

May 13, 2022

I’ve been planning on painting the ceiling in the sewing room with Egyptian stars for two decades now. Maybe I’ll finally get it done.

Tomb ceiling Thutmoses.

Not the last chance, apparently

April 18, 2021

Not the last chance to  support the animals of San Diego County.  http://support.sdhumane.org/goto/Diana You can donate until May 28 according to the humane society. 

Diana pawPrints and I represented The Wonder Puppies by taking a walk around the park in Allied Gardens, a neighborhood I used to live in about 35 years ago. It has a nice big park adjacent to the recreation center. Diana met some people and a dog, not walking for the animals but just out for a nice day. A nice lady took our picture. 

While we did achieve our goal of raising $100 it was only by donating $60 out of my own pocket. It would be nice to raise over our goal. The San Diego Humane Society is a worthy charity. I encourage you to explore their website to learn in how many ways they not only help pets to find forever homes but also aid local wildlife to either rehabilitate and release or provide forever homes for those that are cannot survive back in the wild. 

A heartwarming/heartbreaking story is that of Benji the bear. He habituated to humans which would normally be a death sentence. But he was caught and the Human Society created a large enclosure for him to become an animal ambassador. Further study has shown that Benji has a brain infection that has been found in other bears, that makes them a bit dog-like in behavior, thus the habituation. Benji must be treated for this unique form of encephalitis for the rest of his life. He just turned 3 years old. The Humane Society has taken on the responsibility of providing veterinary care and a healthy habitat for him for the rest of his life. He is just one example of the work they do providing the best outcomes for all injured wildlife brought to them.

Last Chance

April 16, 2021

Last chance to support the animals of San Diego County.  


Diana and I will be walking tomorrow on our own. My Mom had an accident six weeks ago so she and Dolly won’t be joining us. I’ll take some photos of us on our walk and post them to our SD Humane page.  It’s Southern California. Since we’ll be sticking close to home mostly concrete so nothing very picturesque. But we shall walk proudly. 

Please consider supporting The Wonder Puppies

February 21, 2021


Dolly and I are so excited to be participating in San Diego Humane Society’s Virtual Walk for Animals! We are joining thousands of animal lovers and their bipeds to help create a more humane San Diego and you can too.

As our community faces this challenging time, the nation within needs us now more than ever. Every day, pets and wildlife are still arriving at San Diego Humane Society in need of safe shelter, lifesaving medical care and a second chance.

Please consider supporting us by making a donation. Your gift — no matter the size — will help ensure that San Diego Humane Society can continue to be there for animals, no matter what else is going on in the world.

We’d like to personally thank the San Diego Humane Society for providing us with puppy play to help us socialize and classes to help us behave better. Diana pawPrints is especially grateful for being introduced to the wonderful world of scentwork. 

Diana’s walking form evident in her search for birch during a scentwork trial.

I’m vaccinated. Almost

January 27, 2021

Today I got my first Covid vaccination at our local supercenter clinic. Yes, I qualified. I’ve been following the progress of everything with our local county and as soon as my group was good to go I made my appointment online. Very easy. 

I picked up some lunch on the way and while I was waiting before and after I ate my lunch. The shot itself was no different than any other shot. I had to wait 15 min before our row of cars was released to leave just to make sure there were no reactions. I received the Moderna vaccine. By the time I got home there was already a text about making an appointment for my second shot. 28 days for Moderna and 21 days for Pfizer if you’re keeping track. I had to make my appointment by Feb. 27. I opted for Feb. 24, same day, Wednesday and same time, 2:15. I’ll do the exact same thing I did today, including a stop at Iowa Meat Farms on the way back to pick up bones for Diana, who had to stay home by herself for a few hours. 

Trust our medical professionals. And now you can trust our government again too. Get vaccinated but continue to wear your masks. The virus is slowly mutating. The current vaccine should handle the current mutation but at some point we all will probably need another shot. A few years maybe. This is not like the yearly flu that mutates so much you need a shot every year. 

And I’m fine with that. Because I trust the science, I’ve done the research and the reading. I’ve been sheltering in place, wearing a mask when I go out, keeping my distance and washing my hands and using sanitizer. 

So show your respect for you family, your friends and your fellow Americans. Wear a mask. Keep your distance. Wash your hands and use sanitizer. Stay home as much as you can. GET YOUR VACCINATION. If you are not willing to do all of that, you have no right to complain about the economy,  your job or lack of it, or anything else related to our current pandemic situation because you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Please sign my petition

September 17, 2019

The U.S. State Department is continuing to send highly trained bomb sniffing EDC dogs to Jordan despite the fact that they dogs that have already been sent there are dying from neglect. They’re starving, have ticks, their food is spilled on the floor to mix with feces that are not cleaned up and they are dying from preventable diseases. The Inspector General’s office has recommended that no more dogs be sent but the State Department is sending them anyway.

Please sign my petition at Change.org and please post the link to all of your social media to urge others to sign it as well.

Thank you.


June 14, 2019

I managed to get my entry for the Met Museum of Art N.Y. contest in under the wire. 20 min. to spare. I had the necklace done but just needed to take photos. Finally got them after Diana went to bed tonight. Here is thelink: http://wshe.es/4p5N3HGz

Voting starts today, June 14 and goes until August 12. You can only vote for ONE for each category, ages 6-12, ages 13-17 and ages 18+. I would be in the 18+, the largest and most competitive category. Is my necklace art? Nope. But is it marketable? You betcha. They could sell that sucker in the Met Shop easy.

note: The captcha wouldn’t work in safari so I had to use Chrome. I think Firefox works too.

You can vote for me ONCE so  please ask your friends on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I don’t do social media so the chances I win are pretty nill. But I hope outside of the contest someone at the Met sees this and thinks, yeah, we could sell that in the shop. They do tons of jewelry inspired by their collection. This is the original inspiration.

And my necklace:

Pledge to remove Susan Collins (R) Maine, from the Senate.

October 5, 2018

Susan Collins lied to her constituents. She said if Brett Kavanaugh lied, she would not vote to confirm. We all know he lied. A little lie or a big lie, it doesn’t matter. It’s all perjury. And she is going to vote to confirm him anyway.

Pledge to CrowdPAC to send her and any other politician that fails in his oath to serve the public, that if they put party before country, they will be replaced.

We are all FUCKED!

June 28, 2018

We are fucking DOOMED!

The Democratic Republic that the United States once was is no more. The Republican political machine has cheated and manipulated a grand plan over the last four decades to finally turn this country into an authoritarian fascist theocracy.

We are no better than TURKEY.

Trump and McConnell are busy stacking the courts with young right wing unqualified and biased conservatives asshats. They’ll own the courts just like Erdogan owns the courts in Turkey.

Trump is undermining the reputation of the media at every turn. Erdogan owned the media this last election. Only his ads were allowed to air on TV, radio, newspapers. His opponents got no air time or coverage at all. A Trump wet dream.

Trump is attacking the first amendment. He’s been attacking it since he started campaigning. He’d love to put reporters, late night tv hosts, anyone that criticizes or opposes him in prison. Trump would love him some political prisoners.

Now he is attacking due process. It will start with immigrants and will ooze to naturalized citizens and soon to everyone.

The U.S. has pulled out of the Paris Climate Change Accord. We’re now no longer a member of the U.N. Human Rights organization. And Trump has managed to give the title of Leader of the Free World away to Macron, Merkel and Trudeau. He has made the office of President of the United States into a laughingstock, when people are feeling totally disgusted by it. He has managed to destroy the power of the United States. The U.S. no longer has influence in the world. And he is too stupid to realize what he’s done. He thinks being a bully and making threats is an equivalent substitute for diplomacy.

I’m sure Trump is eyeing a way to suspend the 2020 election (he won’t win) and just continue being President for life. He seems to really love that political model. All his best buddies, the ones he admires, are all authoritarian dictators: Putin, Kim, Erdogan, Duterte. Trump never met a vicious dictator he didn’t like. He’s envious. He wants to be just like them.

And that fuck McConnell is going to give it to him. It’s McConnell’s fault that Merrick Garland was not confirmed.

But it’s the fault of the Democrats for being spineless, wimp-ass bastards, rolling over and peeing political correctness all over themselves, taking the fucking high road. You know how fascism gains hold? When Democrats are TOO FUCKING POLITE. They don’t want to offend anyone and as a result they are walked all over. Alan Grayson knows how to right. He doesn’t is loud and abrasive and doesn’t pull punches or guard his speech. He calls a fucking fascist a fucking fascist. Is it any wonder that the right has the likes of Breitbart and Limbaugh and Alex Jones and there is no liberal counterpart?

And now this.

Kennedy has FUCKED US ALL. It will be 5-4 on the Supreme Court from now on. 5-4 in favor of the oligarchs, the 1%, the right wing, the Talibangelicals. You can kiss Roe v Wade goodbye first thing. Obamacare the second, although that is all but gone as it won’t survive with all of the changes that have been made to undermine and destroy it. Then they’ll be coming for the LGBTQ. After that’s taken care of it will be immigrants (the legal ones this time), minorities, the poor, the sick the old. U.S. citizens will be looking at all sorts of violations of rights we took for granted. No one will be safe without 8 figures in their bank account and a significant stock portfolio.

Kennedy could have retired during Obama’s term. He could have waited six fucking months until all of the Democrats that are going to win in November were seated. But no. That fucking asshole has to retire now so that Trump can pick an unqualified Deplorable and McConnell can push the nomination through at record speed. My money is they’ll have the asshole confirmed by the end of August.

What happens if Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies?

Fuck that Kennedy.

No more swing votes. The court is now completely partisan. They will warp and twist their decisions to benefit corporations and the Republicans, even if it means interpretations of the Constitution the public knows is totally bogus. They’ve already begun. That ruling on the third travel ban was a piece of shit. They refused to hear the case on gerrymandering, allowed voter restrictions and ID laws. And now they’ve screwed the unions. Long a ban of the right, now unions are on the way out. Unions, that made this country strong and gave us a middle class. It’s all downhill now. Just wait until those Deplorables that love to quote the bible but constantly rebel against rendering unto Caesar’s that which is Caesar’s find out they are being screwed because that union they objected paying dues to no longer as the power to negotiate a fair contract for them. Lower pay, no healthcare, no sick leave, no vacation time, NO OVERTIME, unsafe and unhealthy working conditions. You name it and *IF* they still have a job, they’ll be whining about everything they’ve lost. And you watch. They’ll blame the Democrats.

I blame them too. I blame them for being stupid enough to take their eye off the ball and allow the Republicans to gain offices in local and state levels. I blame Democrats for thinking that only congressional seats count. I blame them for losing because they refuse to learn from that dirty Republican playbook and fight back with the exact same tactics. I blame them for being TOO NICE.

So hear we are. A fucking asshole for a president. A nightmare cabinet that is undoing almost a century of protections to the animals, land, water, air and people of this country. A GOP that made this country a laughingstock by putting a senile toddler in the Oval Office just so they’d have an automatic carte blanche signature on everything fucking thing they put under his nose.

And I blame the fucking, uneducated, unintelligent, DEPLORABLE racists, bigots and MORONS that voted this piece of shit into office. No foresight. No ability to see the big picture. Narrow, selfish, ME ME ME interests, not giving a shit how their vote would effect anyone else and not even realizing to what extent they were shooting themselves in the foot.